Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Going on a jet plane....

...don't know when I'll be back again!! I am actually leaving tomorrow for Atlanta. Hoping that the weather is nicer than here and not windy. Although I am not hopeful. The weather forcast today is 55 degrees, tomorrow (we get in at 8pm) 54 degrees, Thursday 43 and windy, Friday 40 and dreary...great!! Guess I'll have to pack my winter coat still!

Hoping that Tony and the girls will manage fine. I have left enough food for them, gone to the grocery store and left the ouse clean. We shall see what it looks like when I return on Saturday!! Thursday is a busy day for Tony, Ella has shots, Addison has gymnastics, both girls have Father/Child night at Preschool....should be an interesting day for him!! :)

Hopefully I can still manage to post soemthing while I am gone. I am NOT taking my computer though!!


ccarring said...

Your husband and children will be fine and they all will be excited to see you and want all of your time when you return.

Don't take your winter coat, doubt you will need it at 50 degrees.

Have a safe trip

Cassie and Lou said...

I heard it took you guys and aweful long time to get there...That really stinks. What exactly are you doing down there?!?! Enjoy the sun...