Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Spring Time and Easter

Olivia has "officially" graduated to the big girl bathtub. She has her first real bath with Addison the other night. Repeated reminders were given to Addison to not splash her sister. She found it quite amusing to squirt water on her head. In 2 weeks she will graduate to a big girl car seat. She is growing like a weed, and loves to watch her sister play and run around. We are hoping she will start crawling soon, however; we think it may be awhile as she is continent to watch what is going on! Working on lots of teeth, and learning to use her voice in many ways.

We had a picnic at the park a week ago. The weather was nice, a bit windy. The girls, grammy and I enjoyed being outside. This week, snow, cold and icky weather! That is Nebraska for ya!

We dyed Easter Eggs a week ago. Mom was much more excited than Addison was. It was kind of one of those times when you build up an event in your mind that is going to be so much fun...yeah, well she burst my bubble AGAIN!! IT was much like her 1st birthday for any of you who were there. If you were not there, she hated her birthday cake, cried and did not want it at all.

We had a great Easter! Addison enjoyed all the Easter Egg Hunts she participated in! She found 47 eggs in all the hunts she was in. Too much candy for her little teeth! Mom and dad are stashing it away for bribes for later. The Easter Bunny brought Addison a stroller and car seat for Gretal (her baby). Loves it, and wants to keep going to the park with her baby.

We are looking forward to more warm weather and lots of trips to the park in the coming weeks. Be sure to check back next week. Addison is going to the Circus this weekend with Mommy, Grammy and Olivia. Should be fun, hopefully we will have NO nightmares! I am a bit nervous she will be scared! Guess only time will tell.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Please be patient

Okay, so we have not been as good as we were hoping to about updating with pictures. But check back in the next few days and we will have pictures from Easter. Addison became a MASTER Easter Egg Hunter, and Olivia has become a MASTER Squealer.

I promise tonight Tony and I will take the pictures from Easter and put onto a CD so we can update this site! In the meantime, you can check out cousin Leo's site:

Lots of Love