Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Melody Round Up Parade

The two big girls were asked to be in the Homecoming Parade for Hastings College. They were princess'. And I am hear to tell ya, they loved it. Olivia loved it so much she did not want to take her dress off ALL day. Yes, she even took her nap in it, went to the mall in it, ate dinner! There were about 8 little princesses and they had a good time walking and throwing candy. Ella got to watch the parade and clap for all the bands!

Birthday Splash Bash

Since the girls birthdays are all so close, we have always chose to do a "group" birhtday party, not sure how much longer we can do that. Addison wanted a few friends invited this year and I wasn't quite up to a party with just kids, so we invited families, and we had about 40 people for the Splash Bash. I am quite certain all the kids had a great time in the pool, on the Slip-n-Slide and throwing water balloons!! Everything seemed to go without a hitch and none of my kids were sick for this one!!

I had gotten some ideas for the birthday party from a magazine and had an idea of just what I wanted for the cake. So not to ruin it and be disappointed, I left the cake making up to the professionals, and was really happy with how it turned out! Check it out...

We were so delighted to have Leo and Madeline joining us for the party this year. Living so far away, we just never know when we are going to see each other again. Jenny got brave and boarded a plane east with just herself and the 2 kids. I am sure she was armed with lots of snacks, movies and toys to keep them quiet and content. From what I hear, she was relatively surprised at how well they did!! Kevin even got to drive down and surprise us for the long weekend!! Jenny and the kids stayed for the next week and the kids played so well, and Jenny was quite the trooper; having 2 days by herself with all 5 kids. The visits ALWAYS go so fast, and we are always sad to see them come to an end. The girls and I are trying to plan a trip west for Halloween. Hopefully the snow holds off and we can make it. Grammy has not ever been able to spend a Halloween with the girls, so it will be fun for her to see them.
I was a terrible host while they were here and did not take any pictures. So if you want to indulge yourself in a laugh, head over to http://www.kjwelshfamily.blogspot.com/ and check out Leo as Hannah Montana!! I am sure Jenny was thankful for no big sisters for Leo; as she got a glimpse of what it looks like to have 3 girls...pink, pink, fufu, fluff and lots more pink, oh and crazy dress-ups!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Addison's Flip Flop Party

In my last ditch effort to not make something hard for Addison's birthday, we settled on a Flip Flop ckae. And it turned out rather cute! Addison loved it! We had gymnastics that evening, but ate that yummy cake as soon as we got home!!

I decided to surprise Addison with a special day for her on her 5th birthday.
We spent the afternoon getting manicures and pedicures! I think she is hooked as she has asked me numerous times when we can go back and get another one. If they gave me a discount since her feet can't even touch the water without sitting up and therefore not enjoying the massage chair, we would go more often. It was more expensive than I was planning, but we had tons of fun none the less!

Happy 5th Birthday Addison

Happy 5th Birthday Addison!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Has it really been 5 years??? (More now that I have slacked on my posts). Addison, you came into this world very slowly, and once you got here you sped up and have not stopped since. I love watching you interact with both Olivia and Ella. You are such an incredible big sister, so mature and so caring. I have to often remind myself that you are only 5, and I need to treat you like a 5 year old. Today, you are 5. Today you gain more responsibilities. Today you have chores. Today you are mommy's big helper. Today you are more mature than a 5 year old. Today you are wise beyond your years. Today you have learned to ride your bike. Today you are potty trained (thank goodness). Today you love to do gymnastics. Today you tell me you want to do soccer. Today you tell me not to "freak out". Today you make me laugh with the crazy things you say. Today you are still scared of going underwater. Today you love to sleep with Olivia in your bed. Today you find ways to not eat your dinner. Today you got a special treat from mommy and got a spa pedicure. Today you drive mommy and daddy crazy. Today mommy and daddy drive you crazy. Today you make me smile. Today you make my heart overflow with love. Today you love to snuggle with mommy in the morning. Today you make my heart ache because I am at work and not with you. Today you are my peanut. But yesterday you were this...