Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Life of a 2 year old...well almost 3 year old

Addison has been full of spunk lately. We thought we would share with
you all the many adventures she has taken us on in the last week.

Tony got a brave bone and took her out to the golf course with him to hit some range balls. She thought it was pretty fun! Tony claims it was a bit windy and Addison was trying to run all over the place. So perhaps golfing is not her fortay yet. She does like to swing the golf club all around, and practically hit everything and everyone in site. It is amazing none of us have been hit yet!

We have already shared with you some of Addison's interesting eating habits. What we have not told you is that she actually really LOVES to eat, but on he terms and only what she asks for. On this particular day, it was a peanut butter sandwhich and corn for dinner. She thought it was funny to examine her food and then show us. Enjoy her 2 year oldisms...

She has found her nitch, gymnastics or "nastics" as she foundly calls it! Admit it, you have all used bribery sometime in your life to get your child/children to do something, well if it is Tuesday and Addison is acting up or not listening, we can threaten no gymnastics and she is the sweetest thing you have ever met!! She had a gymnastics show for family last weekend and loved having us all there to see her tricks that she has been learning. I am not sure it is new tricks as it learning to listen to someone other than mom, dad, Aranea (our babysitter) or her grandparents. She has learned how to take turns, wait in line and follow directions. Please do mistake me, she still needs LOTS of practice on listening, waiting in line and taking turns. In a room full of 4 or 5 two year olds, things can get quite frustrating for the gymnastics teacher. Enjoy the overdue pictures of Addison at 'nastics!!

Thanks for stopping by!!! Leaving with one last picture of Olivia, who is now enjoying having some tummy time in the middle of the night! Yes, she is rolling only in her crib and gets stuck on her tummy. So she is on her own time line and will do things when she wants to!


Unknown said...

Isn't two a blast? I'm sure you never know what to expect.....I wonder if Olivia will start sleeping on all fours with her rear in the air like her cousin. It's pretty cute! The girls are both growing so fast.....Michael Leo says "Hey guys!"
Love you

Anonymous said...

I just love reading the stories and seeing all the pictures. Can't wait until we are all together. As the kids get older, it will become more and more fun!! My love and prayers always and all ways.