Sunday, January 25, 2009

An Usually Nice Day

We spent Thursday outside for most of the afternoon, enjoying the usually warm 55 degree weather. In case you are wondering, we have about 2 1/2 inches of snow on the ground today! The girls were so excited to run around in the backyard, swing and just blow off some of their pent up energy. Addison recieved some outside games from school this week. We attempted to play jacks. That was a disater, and I spent the first couple of trys, chasing after the ball. We moved to a different area and just practiced, dropping and catching the ball! The girls enjoyed chasing each other, and attempting to jump rope. We have lots to learn this spring!! Including riding the bike! Addison gets so distracted and hates to peddle.

Tony and the girls have all been sick with colds. I think both the girls started with croup and then turned into nasty colds. It hung around for a little awhile, and then Tony and Ella got sick. Tony was home from work for 3 days with fevers. For him to miss work is a big deal, he hates missing work. Addison and Liv are feeling much better, despite the coughing in the evening and the sometimes stuffy nose. We can't give anything to Ella, so we basically just had to let her suffer. We cleaned out her nose a lot, gave her tylenol and some baby vicks. She still has a nasty cold. I was afraid she was getting RSV, last week she was sounding very rattly. Never really wheezed though. Grammy, Bubba and Lou got the brunt of sleepness nights and hacking. They were kind enough to watch the girls for us while Tony and I had a work function in Omaha last weekend.


ccarring said...

Glad they had a chance to spend some time outside. Looks like their play gym in the back yard is in sections. Once the weather is warm you'll have to assemle. Can see Ella wanting to keep up with her big sisters.....

ccarring said...

Glad they had a chance to spend some time outside. Looks like their play gym in the back yard is in sections. Once the weather is warm you'll have to assemle. Can see Ella wanting to keep up with her big sisters.....

ccarring said...

Glad they had a chance to spend some time outside. Looks like their play gym in the back yard is in sections. Once the weather is warm you'll have to assemle. Can see Ella wanting to keep up with her big sisters.....