Thursday, August 30, 2007

Thoughts from a Preschooler Mom...

So my little girl started preschool on Tuesday. She was so excited; so excited that she woke up at 5:15am that morning and wanted to leave right away. I think it was a combination of nervous energy and the excitment of something new. Mom and Dad groggily and not very happily made her stay in bed with us until 6am. The day started early and with some reluctance to get out of bed, but we got going and drove to Preschool. Lots of cars, lots of mommies, lots of daddies and lots of younger siblings. I think there may have been lots of mommies hiding behind sunglasses in the parking lot as well! I am happy to report that I did not cry, but did choke back some heavy emotions as I left my oldest daughter at school for the 1st time...perhaps now is when I will cry - reflection! Addison did seem a little nervous, but sat down at the table with the other children and started coloring. Tony, Olivia and I kissed Addison, told her to listen to her teachers and then left out the back door of the classroom. Olivia and I went home and cleaned for the "big" party this weekend, and Tony went to work; where I think he got asked numerous times if I had cried, he didn't even know (he had to ask later). Tony and I picked Addison up from school, and took her to lunch at her favorite, Ruby Tuesday. She was able to tell us that she colored, played kitchen and made a hotdog and had ice cream for her snack!

As I drove to work after lunch, I thought about what had just transpired over the morning. My baby girl, my tough, independent peanut had grown up in the blink of an eye. Where in the world did my little baby who struggled with jaundice, couldn't gain weight; where did she go? My little toddler who used to poke her sister's eyes and squeeze her so hard while giving hugs (oh wait, she still does that one), my little girl who wants no one in the bathroom with her and amazes people at Sams Club that she needs to poop in private and can even make the noises to go with it, where did she go? She just walked through the doors of Peace Lutheran Preschool as a big girl. (Hope she knows that with that now comes some new repsonsibilites, like minding her manners, not throwing tantrums, not whinning, eating all her dinner when it is presented to her and sleeping until at least 6am EVERY morning!!)Now she is Miss Independent going to school!

As I wipe the tears now, and laugh at how she really is still my baby girl, my peanut and oh so much like me when I was little (so I have been told), I pray she just don't grow up so fast over the next few years!


Cassie and Lou said...

Oh Kerry...I"m sure you were emotional. How wonderful that Addison is growing up. She is Miss Independent. Just make sure to take pictures and savor all the moments and memories. We all need to get back to scrapbooking so we don't forget these moments!

Anonymous said...

Kerry, My dear Irish colleen, you have just entered a new phase of Motherhood. You are so right, life goes by in the blink of an eye. Remember to take in EVERY moment that you can with your children for in a few years they will be your best memories. And yes, Addison is very much like you, smile it's all good:-) You and your family are forever in my thoughts and prayers. I love you always and all ways.