Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Happy 1st Birthday Olivia

Hard to believe a whole year has already flown by and Olivia is one years old!!! Where has all the time gone? This first year with Olivia has been full of lots and lots of different emotions, some I would like to forget and many many others I hope to never ever forget. Olivia has been a true miracle to Tony and I. As many of you know, our chances of ever having a family were very slim, then came Addison and then to find out we were having another little miracle...it filled our hearts with so much joy knowing that we relied on God to pull us through and show us the miracle He had planned for us. Tony and I have both shed lots of tears through the years, and the best tears where at the births of each of our children. I know there will be many more tears as Olivia grows up; but it is still the cry that we have this miracle that warms my heart the most. I love to just snuggle with her (she still loves to snuggle too)! Olivia has filled a spot in my heart that was reserved only for her. She has given us so many laughs over the last year, some scares (okay many scares), but she is tough...she's gotta be with a sister like Addison!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday Olivia!! Enjoy your party today with mommy, daddy and Addison!! Addison is so excited to give you your gifts and watch you eat your cake...do NOT disappoint her!!


Cassie and Lou said...

Hey Giggles!!!! Happy Birthday! Oh it's so hard to believe that a full year has come and past already! You have been such a joy to be around and watch grow. I love you bunches! Have a great birthday and I'll see you very soon for your big party with lots of family!

Love you,