Monday, December 01, 2008

Happy 9th Anniversary Tony

I wanted to post this on Thursday, but well, it was Thanksgiving, and lots of commotion and no time!

Happy Anniversary Tony! Can you believe 9 years ago we were getting married? Wow!! It seems like yesterday and other times, it seems like forever ago. One thing that doesn't change is how happy I am with you. I fall more in love with you everyday. You are an amazing husband, and have had to put up with a lot of the years. Thank you for you unending love, and undenible faith in me. We probably couldn't have accomplished as much as we have together without our faith in each other, and most importantly our faith in God. An amazing father you are to our 3 wonderful miracles. Who would have ever thought that in April 2001, we would have 3 miracles sitting before us? I know I did not think that possible, but someone else knew what was in store and has perfectly planned out our lives for us! I thank God everyday for the girls, for you and for our life together. I love watching you interact with the girls and read to them and wrestle with them!

Thank you Tony for 9 wonderful years! I am excited to see what the future holds for us and especially excited to see what you have planned for our 10 year anniversary!! Hope you are reading this and get the hint!! :)


ccarring said...

Kerry & Tony, may you be blessed with many many more happy loving years together. God be with you always and in all ways

Jenny and Kevin said...

Happy Day you two! So glad your marriage remains a blessing to you both and to your girls!