Monday, November 05, 2007

Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car

Yep, that's right...Tony, Addison and I went to the Wiggles Concert on Friday night! Addison was so excited and could hardly believe that she was going to get to see your boyfriend, Jeff. We did not tell her where we were; we dropped Olivia off at Bubba's house and headed back out on the road to Ames, Iowa. All Addison knew was that she was going on a date with daddy and mommy and was going to be able to stay in a hotel and also go swimming. Early Friday morning when we were getting ready to leave, Addison was kinda whinning that she wanted a friend to go with her to the hotel. I tried to tell her that we were going to see some special friends while we were there. She pushed the issue all day long!!

When we arrived at our hotel, Tony went and checked in and the manager asked what we were doing in town. Tony told him and he said he was noticing a trend with the clientele coming into the hotel. We were worried that our nosy little peanut might here someone talking about it, so we tried to shield her from everyone. I am sure we looked a little silly. Anyway, we went to dinner at the Pizza Ranch, and she was still talking about seeing her friends - still no idea who it was going to be!

We arrived at the Hilton Coliseum at 5:50 pm for the 6:30pm show...the man who took our tickets asked Addison if she was excited, I told him she had no idea yet what she was doing that it was a surprise, he said, "oh she'll have tons of fun then"!! We walked right into the coliseum so that she could see what we were doing. I think she was in shock as she realized what we were doing...

"The Wiggles mom, are we seeing a Wiggles concert"?

"Addison, your friends are the Wiggles; mommy and daddy wanted to surprise you because we love you so much and you are such a big helper".

"Do I really get to see my boyfriend Jeff"?

She was beyond excited. I will load the pictures tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sunshine, wasn't that an awesome surprise you had with mommy and daddy. I was so excited for you and could hardly wait for you to come home and share all of your stories about the Wiggles and especially Jeff.
Love you for always and in all ways