Thursday, November 30, 2006

Our Bundles of Joy

Olivia is 3 months old now. She is much more smiley than Addison was at this age and very photogenic. We are waiting for here to start rolling any day. Right now, she just prefers to find Addison and watch what she is doing. Addison keeps her entertained all day. We are still learning to sleep through the night. Some weeks/days are better than others. This week, not so great! She truly has completed our little family of 4!

Addison is loving life with her baby sister. She is beginning to become protective of her and worries about her when ever she is crying. We are struggling with sleeping all night right now. She fights her naps during the day and then is a bear to go to bed and is up during the night, and not always when Olivia is. So needless to say, mom and dad are dog tired. Addison is enjoying "talking" to Olivia and finding new ways to make her laugh. Getting ready to gear up for Santa Claus visits. We have been saddened by the news that Greg Wiggle is leaving the Wiggles. We absolutly "love" the Wiggles at our house! Addison is also learning how to share opening gifts. We had a Christmas this past weekend, and Addison wanted to open everyone's gifts. Guess that would be mom and dads fault from after Olivia came home from the hospital! Gymnastics is in full swing for Addison, she goes once a week and loves it. If time and money would allow, she would love to go everyday.

Look how much Addison loves her baby sister!! Kissing Olivia is one of Addison's new favorite things to do. Her new thing in life right now is wanting to know people's names and talking about what her favorite thing is; right now, if you ask her what her favorite movie is, she will tell you Cars. Not even really sure if she has seen the whole thing!

Life is still slowly becoming more normal for us. We are looking forward to the holidays and the Christmas season. We are anxious to see Addison experience Christmas this year. She has already told us that she will ask Santa for "presents". We are especailly thankful for our children this year. Anxious are we to meet the newest member of our extended family; cousin, Michael Leo. He lives in South Carolina. This is Kevin and Jenny's adopted son, he is 6 weeks old. We probably will not get to see him until February though!