Seriously, where does the time go and why must my children grow up so quickly? Happy Birthday Olivia!!! The last 4 years you have made my heart smile and overflow with love. From your gentleness to your toughness, each day is definatly adventure with you! I love to watch you "teach" Ella new things, and to watch you learn from Addison. Being a middle child is tricky, trust me, I know!! But you are a middle child with much grace and enthusiasm! I pray your wings take you far and your endless energy goes with you! Happy 4th Birthday princess!!!
We celebrated queitly this year. A garage sale in the morning, working up the nerves to take the training wheels off, some shopping for new clothes and a dinner at where else but Valentinos!!

Happy Birthday Giggles! I hope you had the best birthday! Looks like mom did a great job on your Princess cake. You definately are the little princess/diva! Love you!
Happy 4th Birthday Bright Eyes...
I think your cake was yummy and mommy did a super job getting it all out of the pan and stick together. Glue (rather iciing) is a wonderful adhesive:-)Hope you had fun Love you for always and all ways
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