She went in with a smile that grew from ear to ear all morning long. I had the biggest smile right there with her (biting the side of my cheek and holding back the tears that welled up in my eyes simultaneously)! She was beyond excited for school and could not wait to start school today. After we got to the school, she found her locker and put away her things and we went to the gym to find her teacher. The gym was so loud, she really did not like the noise. She went right to her line with no hugs or nothin! Had to go ask for it when I was done taking pictures.
I had a terrible time sleeping last night with anticipation of what today would hold. I have found myself tearing up several times throughout the day for various reasons, but all bittersweet and so proud of my daughter. She has such a compassionate heart and I just can't help but m
elt when she tells me things like this:

A: Mom, I know you might cry when I go to Kindergarten.
M: How do you know that? Did someone tell you that?
A: No. I just know you don't want me to grow up. You just want me to stay little. Remember, I am always going to live with you.
M: How do you know that? Did someone tell you that?
A: No. I just know you don't want me to grow up. You just want me to stay little. Remember, I am always going to live with you.
M: You are right, mommy might cry, but I will cry because I am so proud of you and can't believe that you are big enough to go to school!!
Man, I love that little girl!!
All right mom, I am ready! she wasn't nervous at all, just VERY excited!

Dad, I am ready! A proud daddy!
Finding her locker.
Sitting in the LOUD gym.
She made it!!! The end of the 1st day of Kindergarten!!!
So proud of you Addison!! YOu are an amazingtle girl who is going do amazing things someday!! Keep your chin held high, stay true to yourself and always remember a kiss from mommy is ALWAYS in your hand! I love you peanut!!
Oh my goodness...she can't possibly be old enough for kindergarten. I'm glad she had a great day and enjoyed it! You are right Kerr...She is an amazing little girl and is growing up.
Congratulations Squirt. I love you and am so excited for you. Can't wait to hear about all the things you will learn this year in school.
Love you,
Sunshine, I am so very proud of you. I am really glad you are excited to learn. You have always enjoyed reading and you seem to absorb everything and remember everything. Do remember how much your family loves you, supports you, and will always be there for you. I love you for always and in all ways Sunshine. You make me very proud.
Kerry ~ yes, a host of emotions you experience from the very beginning, when you feel them kick inside you, the day you hold your child in your arms for the first time, when they roll over, when they crawl and then walk, when they say mommy for the first time, when they say I love you (or even I don't love you). The emotions run from the highest high, to the lowest low and because you care they always will. And they seem to grow in intensity (yes, the children and the emotions). You and Tony have given Addison a great start, good values, morales, and a strong foundation. She will make you proud!
love, hugs, and kisses for always and in all ways ~ mom
Your post made me tear up b/c I remember how I have cried the past two years sending G1 to school and the emotions that go with it...sure I will cry again in a couple of week again! You are right, such a bittersweet milestone! Congrats to Addison on a great first day of school!
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