Friday, August 27, 2010

Locks of Love

Donating 10 inches of hair! Way to go Addison - you look beautiful, more grown up and another tear wells up in your mommy's eye as you continue to grow right before my eyes! I Love you so much peanut!!!

Monday, August 23, 2010


Olivia goes to Preschool 3 days/week this year. She was VERY excited to go. Mom was just hoping there would be no tears from her this year. For those of you just joining us or have forgotten, we spent the first 1-2 months in tears EVERYDAY of school. No idea why!! Was stressful for mom!!

She told me this morning there would be no tears, and she was ready to go to school again. She does not really know anyone in her class, her BFF was in another class this year. Although right next to her. And they get to have snack together, so they will still see each other. Knowing that is probably the only thing that saved us from tears this morning!!

It was a hectic morning trying t get everyone ready and out the door by 7:45am to drop Addison off and then take Olivia to school. SIDE NOTE: I know this is about Olivia, but I have to mention, Addison walked into school all by herself today. I stayed in the car and dropped her off at the door - a big step for both mom and her!! Okay, side note over - tears welling in my eyes!!

All smiles right now and ready for a new year of preschool!

My 2 little school girls!!

Finding her cubby and putting away her backpack.

Time for mommy to leave...hold those tears in big girl, you can do it!!

Finally, gets to see her best friend Madeline!

I have her picked up and she had a GREAT day!! No tears and she even got to be the leader today! What a great way to start her year! Hoping everyday goes this well for her!

Happy 4th Birthday Olivia

Seriously, where does the time go and why must my children grow up so quickly? Happy Birthday Olivia!!! The last 4 years you have made my heart smile and overflow with love. From your gentleness to your toughness, each day is definatly adventure with you! I love to watch you "teach" Ella new things, and to watch you learn from Addison. Being a middle child is tricky, trust me, I know!! But you are a middle child with much grace and enthusiasm! I pray your wings take you far and your endless energy goes with you! Happy 4th Birthday princess!!!

We celebrated queitly this year. A garage sale in the morning, working up the nerves to take the training wheels off, some shopping for new clothes and a dinner at where else but Valentinos!!

Liv actually ended up with 2 parties this year. We celebrated with Mamo and Bampo on Friday night and Saturday with Grammy. Olivia was the twinkle in Mamo's eye as she opened her purple fairy costume! Just because I actually don't have a "real" picture of her in it doesn't mean she hasn't pranced around here with her costume and wings!!! Saturday the favorite was the big coloring book from Grammy and the purple "slip phone" from Addison! She had lots of help from her sisters opening presents.

The cake this year was supposed to be easy. It was not quite as easy as I had hoped for! Oh well! It was a surprise to her to see Princess and the Frog because she thought is was just going to be a barbie doll!

The training wheels came off long enough to take a stroll about 2 inches before she decided she was going to take a break. More practice is gonna be needed to get that down!!
Couldn't help but end with this...melts this mommies heart and soul.....

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

1st Day of Kindergarten

Can it really be time to send her off to kindergarten? My goodness seems like we just brought her home from the hospital, watched her roll over for the 1st time, take her first steps, walk into preschool. I know there comes a time when all mommies must let go and let them learn, let them make mistakes and watch them succeed and know that you built a great foundation. This mommy just wasn't ready for it though. I prepared myself for the tears, but really had no idea what feelings I would have when she walked through that door and into the world I have tried so hard to shelter her from.

She went in with a smile that grew from ear to ear all morning long. I had the biggest smile right there with her (biting the side of my cheek and holding back the tears that welled up in my eyes simultaneously)! She was beyond excited for school and could not wait to start school today. After we got to the school, she found her locker and put away her things and we went to the gym to find her teacher. The gym was so loud, she really did not like the noise. She went right to her line with no hugs or nothin! Had to go ask for it when I was done taking pictures.

I had a terrible time sleeping last night with anticipation of what today would hold. I have found myself tearing up several times throughout the day for various reasons, but all bittersweet and so proud of my daughter. She has such a compassionate heart and I just can't help but melt when she tells me things like this:

A: Mom, I know you might cry when I go to Kindergarten.
M: How do you know that? Did someone tell you that?
A: No. I just know you don't want me to grow up. You just want me to stay little. Remember, I am always going to live with you.
M: You are right, mommy might cry, but I will cry because I am so proud of you and can't believe that you are big enough to go to school!!
Man, I love that little girl!!

All right mom, I am ready! she wasn't nervous at all, just VERY excited!

Dad, I am ready! A proud daddy!

Finding her locker.

Sitting in the LOUD gym.

She made it!!! The end of the 1st day of Kindergarten!!!

So proud of you Addison!! YOu are an amazingtle girl who is going do amazing things someday!! Keep your chin held high, stay true to yourself and always remember a kiss from mommy is ALWAYS in your hand! I love you peanut!!

Monday, August 16, 2010 last horray!

Took the girls to Adventureland this past weekend in Des Moines, Iowa. We had a great time, despite the whining standing in LONG lines. It was a great weekend to celebrate birthdays and our last weekend before Addison heads off to kindergarten!!

The weather was great. We got to the park before it opened and wanted to take full advantage of our time together and our time there. We only had hotel reservations for one night (which was Friday), so we were eading back to Omaha after a LONG day playing!

In the car on our way to Adventureland! They were soooo excited!

Waiting patiently to get into the park. We were there about 25 minutes early (on purpose)!
Ella would ride anything we put her on! she LOVED it all!
Riding the Ladybugs.
Some of the few smiles while waiting in lines!

Infant Boat Races - look at that smile on Ella's face!

The Raging River - we waited in lone OVER an hour just for them to tell us Ella was "to little"! Not happy were we or her!! That was a LONG line of waiting and the whining was kind of out of control!

Up a big hill, down a big yellow slide all in an innertube and they didn't even get wet!
Adventurland Bay was SO crowded it wasn't even fun to be there. They had a swim up bar in the pool - crazy!
We ended the weekend in Omaha at the zoo and had a terrific time! Could not of asked for a better weekend! We made tons of memories and had lots of laughs!

Monday, August 09, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Ella

Happy Birthday Ella!!! Hard to believe that you are 2 years old already! I am pretty sure that it was just the other day I learned you were breech and I would have to have a c-section to deliver you safely!!
You have brough so much joy and laughter to our lives! Your sisters love you more than you will ever realize. They are still learning just how much you look up to them and copy EVERYTHING they do!! Everyday is an adventure with you! If you could just sleep a little later in the morning and preferably not wake up during the night your mommy and daddy would GREATLY appreciate it! Sleeping is a great thing and something we hope that you will soon learn to love. This was a big year for you for sleeping! You went from having your own room to sharing with Olivia. Of course you are now waking her up also...but I think she loves you just the same. She would also appreciate if you could sleep all night though!! :)
We have had a rollercoaster of emotions with your health this past year. We found out shortly before you turned 1 that you had kidney reflux. Over the last year we have had to take precaution having you out in the sun, have had to give you a daily dose of antibiotics, and prayed that you had no unexplained fevers for that meant something was wrong with your bladder and/or kidneys. We visited Childrens Hospital again the day efore you turned 2 and found out that not only is your reflux not gone, but now you have it on both sides. The doctor told us you may have trouble potty training!! Mommy and daddy have been pretty discouraged by this news but have chosen to focus on your outward health and your spunkiness!!!
Happy 2nd Birthday Ella! We are so anxious to see what the next year holds for you!!

Picture Posts...running on fumes here

A Colorado post will come later! Too many pictures!!