Friday, August 27, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Olivia goes to Preschool 3 days/week this year. She was VERY excited to go. Mom was just hoping there would be no tears from her this year. For those of you just joining us or have forgotten, we spent the first 1-2 months in tears EVERYDAY of school. No idea why!! Was stressful for mom!!
She told me this morning there would be no tears, and she was ready to go to school again. She does not really know anyone in her class, her BFF was in another class this year. Although right next to her. And they get to have snack together, so they will still see each other. Knowing that is probably the only thing that saved us from tears this morning!!

All smiles right now and ready for a new year of preschool!

My 2 little school girls!!

Finding her cubby and putting away her backpack.

Time for mommy to leave...hold those tears in big girl, you can do it!!

Finally, gets to see her best friend Madeline!
Posted by Kerry at 10:31 AM 1 comments
Happy 4th Birthday Olivia
Seriously, where does the time go and why must my children grow up so quickly? Happy Birthday Olivia!!! The last 4 years you have made my heart smile and overflow with love. From your gentleness to your toughness, each day is definatly adventure with you! I love to watch you "teach" Ella new things, and to watch you learn from Addison. Being a middle child is tricky, trust me, I know!! But you are a middle child with much grace and enthusiasm! I pray your wings take you far and your endless energy goes with you! Happy 4th Birthday princess!!!
We celebrated queitly this year. A garage sale in the morning, working up the nerves to take the training wheels off, some shopping for new clothes and a dinner at where else but Valentinos!!

Posted by Kerry at 10:11 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
1st Day of Kindergarten

M: How do you know that? Did someone tell you that?
A: No. I just know you don't want me to grow up. You just want me to stay little. Remember, I am always going to live with you.
All right mom, I am ready! she wasn't nervous at all, just VERY excited!

Dad, I am ready! A proud daddy!
Finding her locker.
Sitting in the LOUD gym.
She made it!!! The end of the 1st day of Kindergarten!!!
So proud of you Addison!! YOu are an amazingtle girl who is going do amazing things someday!! Keep your chin held high, stay true to yourself and always remember a kiss from mommy is ALWAYS in your hand! I love you peanut!!
Posted by Kerry at 6:59 PM 3 comments
Monday, August 16, 2010 last horray!

The weather was great. We got to the park before it opened and wanted to take full advantage of our time together and our time there. We only had hotel reservations for one night (which was Friday), so we were eading back to Omaha after a LONG day playing!

In the car on our way to Adventureland! They were soooo excited!

Waiting patiently to get into the park. We were there about 25 minutes early (on purpose)!
Posted by Kerry at 1:20 PM 1 comments
Monday, August 09, 2010
Happy 2nd Birthday Ella
Posted by Kerry at 6:56 PM 2 comments