We have spent TONS of time outside already. I am sure we spend LOTs of time out there this summer, as the girls have really taken a liking to riding bikes and riding the jeep and playing with the dozen or so kids that live on our street. Thank goodness it is a quiet street for the most part. Although watch out in about 10 years when they all start driving within a few years of each other!! Our grocery store had a Family Fun Day no so long ago. We took the girls to check out the animals and play the games and then got a free lunch. Couldn't beat that! The girls really enjoyed petting and holding the baby chicks. I am not sure where they got the love for doing that, because this mommy ain't having NOTHING to do with touching them. I don't even step foot in a petting zoo! GROSS!!! Jenny, you are a more amazing mother than I with the salamander for Leo!
A local carnival came to town. I have to swallow my fears and let them ride a few rides within some limits. They each got to pick 3 rides...one of the "rides" they picked was to jump in an inflatable house! Ella unfortuantly had to sit in the stroller...too little. We used lots of hand sanitizer and made sure not to look at people for too long that were either dressed much differently than us and smelled much grosser than us!!!!
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