Took an impromtu trip to Omaha to see Grammy for Mother's Day and then headed home. A quick day trip had the girls having lots of fun and getting to be at the zoo on opening day of the Madagascar Exhibt. The weather started out cold and windy, but ended up being a beautiful day to be outside! Some face painting fun during lunch. Not really any pictures of the animals or really at the zoo. But a fun time was had by all!!
Have you ever tried to take pictures of your children who don't sit still, refuse to smile, act goofy or pick their nose? Welcome to picture taking at my house. All I really wanted was a piture of me with the girls. Rarely do I get that because I am usually the one taking the pictures. So enjoy the chaos that followed at my house on Sunday May 9th, my 6th Mother's Day:

Kind of windy? You think?

Look mommy, I can touch my toes.

Maybe Ella just needs a tickle from her big sisters.

Let's move this indoors and try again.

Maybe a little singing will help with the chaos!
Ella had had enough!
Obviously, she was real excited to be drug back to mommy's lap!

I truly hope it was an awesome Mother's Day for you.
I love the photos...I'm sure it was frustrating with E not cooperating, but it's really cute!
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