Why must my children rise before dawn? My goodness! I just want to sleep in. We have set a rule with Addison and Olivia that they are not allowed to come out of their room before it says 6:00am on their clock. Well, sneaky parents that we are, set the clock back 15 minutes. Anyway, both Tuesday and Thursday this week, they have been up BEFORE 5:45am on MY clock which is even earlier on theirs. There is a lot of whining and arguing that follows. I have told Addison that if she does not follow the 6:00 rule, she has earned herself a nap that day. Well Tuesday, she took a nap. Today, Tony went in and laid with them to keep them in their bed. I was still annoyed because then Ella started in around 5:50am....it does not matter what I try, go to bed

earlier, go to be later....they are up EARLY ALL the time!! It drives me bonkers!

So today after school we had a quiet day. Naps were required for the youngest two and Addison got to help me make some Valentine cookies. We cleaned, rather I cleaned and she watched some TV while having her quiet time. Seems as thought I always start with a lengthy "to-do" list on my days off, but don't get near enough done. Usually I try to have Addison help me with the cleaning and tidying while the other girls are sleeping, but I was trying to accomplish a bit more today, so just let her watch TV instead. I did not have the energy to argue with her to have quiet time WITHOUT the TV today. Constant reminders to not

stand so close; someday I am going to keep track of how many times I say, " too close", "move back" or "you are gonna hurt you eyes". It ended up being a rather nice day, so I let Addison and Olivia play in the garage while I got dinner ready. It was good for them to get outside and exert some of that energy. Hoping for them to sleep until at least 6:15am! Doesn't matter though, I got to get up early and teach Body Pump at 5:15am!
So the weekend is upon us and I am hoping that I can follow through with continuing to blog. I am impressed with myself so far for keeping up this long!! We have a fun weekend planned with the High School Dance and Cheer Competition in Grand Island this weekend. Tony and I are hoping to slip away for a dinner and movie while Grammy stays with the girls and Sunday I am having Kelly's Kid Clothing Open House! Should be fun! H0pefully the weather cooperates!
Just in case anyone is wondering Tony is getting close to closing in on a year with Northwestern Mutal Financial Network. He is really enjoying this new adventure and is doing fairly well. Of course we are hoping he can do a little better so that we could consider me staying home and being his assistant as he needs it. Please keep this in your prayers for us and for him! He is trying to qualify for a trip to Mexico this fall. The qualifying period ends in May. A trip to Mexico sounds WONDERFUL!!!! He is probably regretting telling me about it because I am nagging to make sure he is making contacts, getting new clients and getting closer to qualifying. Keep him in your prayers!!!
Pray that the snow stops and that spring starts tomorrow!!!
You may have to put a piece of tape on the floor and tell Addison she is not allowed to go beyond the tape to watch TV. I was 6 yrs. old when I started to wear glasses. I really hope Addison doesn't have to wear them that soon. Maybe she and I should have a chat about recent developments with eye sight.
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