Were you starting to wonder if I would make a post today? Yeah, well give me a break!!

I thought I would start this journey of blogging everyday with a look back a few years. Hard to believe Addison was ever a baby...but my goodness was she. She was the one who made me a mommy, she took my breath away and allowed to me to believe in miracles. Her entrance into this world came with much some struggle for both of us, but one that will always connect us! Addsion allowed Tony and I to trust more in our instincts, our gut feelings and each other. She was and will always be my little peanut! We got home from the hospital and looked at each other with that "what now" look!! We have somehow figured some things out, and if you ask the girls, some things we still don't know much about! I think one of the biggest struggles for me once we were home was the jaundice that Addison had. We had to hook her up to the bililight and put her in the sunlight as much as possible. She had to wear that light all day for 3 days. It was a struggle. We learned a lot from Addison. As we continue to every day!! Enjoy a look back through some of my favorite phots of Addison!!
***Blogger is not responding and I can not post pictures, check back later!****
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