Thursday, February 25, 2010

Miss these girls....

I am in Atlanta for a few days for work and I miss these girls like crazy!! Sure hope Tony is hanging in there and the girls haven't ganged up on him yet!

What a difference 16 months makes!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

"Spring, where are you"?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Going on a jet plane....

...don't know when I'll be back again!! I am actually leaving tomorrow for Atlanta. Hoping that the weather is nicer than here and not windy. Although I am not hopeful. The weather forcast today is 55 degrees, tomorrow (we get in at 8pm) 54 degrees, Thursday 43 and windy, Friday 40 and dreary...great!! Guess I'll have to pack my winter coat still!

Hoping that Tony and the girls will manage fine. I have left enough food for them, gone to the grocery store and left the ouse clean. We shall see what it looks like when I return on Saturday!! Thursday is a busy day for Tony, Ella has shots, Addison has gymnastics, both girls have Father/Child night at Preschool....should be an interesting day for him!! :)

Hopefully I can still manage to post soemthing while I am gone. I am NOT taking my computer though!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Miss Me?

Did you miss me yesterday? I know I am a slacker! We were busy though! Took the girls on Saturday to the National High School Cheer and Dance Competition. They LOVED it! Olivia wants to be like the dancers, and Addison wants to cheer because they do gymnastics!! It was so much fun to watch them, and to watch Olivia dance along!! No pictures to share though, sorry.

Tony and I got to have a date on Saturday night, a quick dinner and a movie! It was bliss! Thanks Grammy for watching the girls and getting them to bed! On Sunday, we awoke to snow and more snow. Apparently it was yucky out this way, so Grammy stayed an extra day because of the weather. We had the Kelly's Kids Clothing Open House, what cute stuff!!

We awoke this moring to quite a scare. There was an oder in the livivng room. After sniffing it out, it was concluded that it was coming from an electrical outlet next to the couch. An outlet that is not even used. Tony took the cover off and there were sparks and the lights in the kitchen kept flickering. Tony was meeting with the electrician this morning...this should be interesting. We have had lots of electrical "issues" with this house. We probably need to have someone come out and go through the whole house and check it out for us.

Have a great week and check back soon.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

It's Tough Being Ella

She LOVES to play with her toes!
Loves to say "cheese" for the camera...but wants to see herself and won't let me take it of her!

"What you talking bout me for"????

"Mk, plzzzzzzzzzzz"

Poor Ella gets to stay inside with mommy while the girls played in the garage!

Friday, February 19, 2010

That One Nice Day

So today, it is cold, snowy and slick outside! I have fallen walking across campus twice now. I am okay; in case you wondering!! :) But yesterday, it was WONDERFUL!!! Remember I told you the girls got to play outside for a little bit? They took to riding bikes in the garage, spraying the snow that was still sticking around. Chalking it up and having a grand time exerting energy. (And in case you read my post from yesterday, they slept in until 6:07am!!! I walked in the door from teaching my class at 6:17am, and all 3 were just walking out of the bedroom and into the kitchen!!)

Never mind the mess, look at the cutie!!!

Liv enjoyed spraying the snow and just running around!

Addison was anxious to get back on her bike; goal this spring: get those training wheels off!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Naps, TV and Prayers

Why must my children rise before dawn? My goodness! I just want to sleep in. We have set a rule with Addison and Olivia that they are not allowed to come out of their room before it says 6:00am on their clock. Well, sneaky parents that we are, set the clock back 15 minutes. Anyway, both Tuesday and Thursday this week, they have been up BEFORE 5:45am on MY clock which is even earlier on theirs. There is a lot of whining and arguing that follows. I have told Addison that if she does not follow the 6:00 rule, she has earned herself a nap that day. Well Tuesday, she took a nap. Today, Tony went in and laid with them to keep them in their bed. I was still annoyed because then Ella started in around does not matter what I try, go to bed earlier, go to be later....they are up EARLY ALL the time!! It drives me bonkers!

So today after school we had a quiet day. Naps were required for the youngest two and Addison got to help me make some Valentine cookies. We cleaned, rather I cleaned and she watched some TV while having her quiet time. Seems as thought I always start with a lengthy "to-do" list on my days off, but don't get near enough done. Usually I try to have Addison help me with the cleaning and tidying while the other girls are sleeping, but I was trying to accomplish a bit more today, so just let her watch TV instead. I did not have the energy to argue with her to have quiet time WITHOUT the TV today. Constant reminders to not stand so close; someday I am going to keep track of how many times I say, " too close", "move back" or "you are gonna hurt you eyes". It ended up being a rather nice day, so I let Addison and Olivia play in the garage while I got dinner ready. It was good for them to get outside and exert some of that energy. Hoping for them to sleep until at least 6:15am! Doesn't matter though, I got to get up early and teach Body Pump at 5:15am!

So the weekend is upon us and I am hoping that I can follow through with continuing to blog. I am impressed with myself so far for keeping up this long!! We have a fun weekend planned with the High School Dance and Cheer Competition in Grand Island this weekend. Tony and I are hoping to slip away for a dinner and movie while Grammy stays with the girls and Sunday I am having Kelly's Kid Clothing Open House! Should be fun! H0pefully the weather cooperates!

Just in case anyone is wondering Tony is getting close to closing in on a year with Northwestern Mutal Financial Network. He is really enjoying this new adventure and is doing fairly well. Of course we are hoping he can do a little better so that we could consider me staying home and being his assistant as he needs it. Please keep this in your prayers for us and for him! He is trying to qualify for a trip to Mexico this fall. The qualifying period ends in May. A trip to Mexico sounds WONDERFUL!!!! He is probably regretting telling me about it because I am nagging to make sure he is making contacts, getting new clients and getting closer to qualifying. Keep him in your prayers!!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Look Back

Were you starting to wonder if I would make a post today? Yeah, well give me a break!!

I thought I would start this journey of blogging everyday with a look back a few years. Hard to believe Addison was ever a baby...but my goodness was she. She was the one who made me a mommy, she took my breath away and allowed to me to believe in miracles. Her entrance into this world came with much some struggle for both of us, but one that will always connect us! Addsion allowed Tony and I to trust more in our instincts, our gut feelings and each other. She was and will always be my little peanut! We got home from the hospital and looked at each other with that "what now" look!! We have somehow figured some things out, and if you ask the girls, some things we still don't know much about! I think one of the biggest struggles for me once we were home was the jaundice that Addison had. We had to hook her up to the bililight and put her in the sunlight as much as possible. She had to wear that light all day for 3 days. It was a struggle. We learned a lot from Addison. As we continue to every day!! Enjoy a look back through some of my favorite phots of Addison!!

***Blogger is not responding and I can not post pictures, check back later!****

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Greetings from No Man Lands

We are still alive, and we are still busy. Busy as ever it seems. However, despite the business that seems to plague this blog; I am giving up Facebook for Lent and dedicating myself to this blog. I am going to TRY and write EVERY single day. There will NOT always be pictures, but more or less what we are up to and what we have been doing. Each week I will have a sayings day. It will be a series of crazy things the girls say to me throughout the day!! It should be fun, and I hope that I can do this and keep up with it. So, starting tomorrow...40 days of blogging!! I can hardly wait!! :)

Until then, I will leave you with a fun Olivia quote from today. Let me set the scene for you:

We have an 11:10am doctors appointment for Ella. I get the girls early from school, and we get to the doctors right at 11am. We arrive early because Ella has to have her blood drawn for her kidney stuff. We get right into the lab for that; and then the waiting begins. We get called back to the exam room at 11:22am. The nurse asks me to strip Ella down to her diaper. I expect her to follow me into the room. Nope, 10 minutes later she comes in to weigh her and take all the necessary measurements. I have now given Addison and Liv "the lecture". You know the one, behave, listen to me, I should not have to ask you twice to sit in the do all this and I have a bribe for you!! Yeah, you have all been there at some time...except maybe Cassie. (Trust me though, your time will come). The two older girls now are sitting nicely in their seats. Ella is laying on the floor screaming "noooooo", and "ouch". I am sure the nurses think I am beating her. The exam room is hot, small and we are cramped in there. Addison decides she is hot, hungry, thirsty, tired of waiting, tired of listening to Ella scream and cry and continues to whine despite my growing headache. She lays on the floor, trys to flip on the chair and sprawls her coat, and shoes on the floor only to have Ella trip on them numerous times. It is now 11:55am. It seems like we have been in this room for at least an hour. Olivia is sitting nicely, and reminds Addison of that. Addison does not take to kindly to the reminder from her little sister. Ella is still screaming, trying to get into cabinet doors, drawers, the trash....FINALLY the doctor walks in (12:02pm); and right on cue, Addison and Olivia fall apart with their good behavior. I am now bracing for the parenting skills that are going to follow and I will proudly display to my children's doctor. Hoping and praying she would find sympathy for me!! She talks to me amongst the loud ruckus that pursues from right behind me. I apologize for my children's behavior...she tries to tell me that this is nothing compared to her house with 3 boys. I am sure she is trying to make me feel better. We FINALLY leave the parking lot at 12:17pm. Yes, we only saw the doctor for less than 15 minutes.

Oh, you are asking what the funny quote was from Olivia?? She kept asking while we were waiting for the doctor "when is Dr. Seuss going to be here mom"? Okay, I thought it was comical! Guess you had to be there!! Now, you have a little insight into me day!!