Well, now I officially have my 2 big girls in school. Olivia was beyond excited to get to school this morning. She just could not wait and was beaming from ear to ear. She did not hesitate when I left, it was just, "okay bye mom"!! She is growing up to be pretty independent. Addison is going to the pre-kindegarden class and is loving it. We have noticed a little more tiredness lately. It felt kinda weird to be home with just Ella who was napping after we dropped them off. All summer the girls have come with me to exercise on Tuesday and Thursdays. They know we go every time and they look forward to it. Liv was a tad upset when I picked her up and she realized that I had already been to workout. She insists that we are going this afternoon now. Ella was not happy about her sisters not being with her when I dropped her off in the Kids room. Sounds like she was not happy for the majority of the time.

Hard to believe that I now have 2 kids in school. Wonder what it will be like when they are not home for lunch and quiet time with mom in the afternoon. Addison already talks about kindergarden. It is amazing what 2 years difference is like; when I ask Addison what she did at school now, she is very explicit and detailed, 2 years ago, it was a lot of "nothing" and "i don't know". Liv's response today was "music". Even Addison got in on the asking questions to her to find out what she did. I asked her if she met any new friends, and she replied, with her teachers name! It was very cute! And now she is conked out in her bed taking a nap!

I pray they continue to enjoy school this much and always look forward to going!
Another chapter in your life. Enjoy and embrace all the moments with your children that you possibly can. Model what you want them to learn and remember, they are watching :-)
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