Where did the time go? My baby is no longer a baby, she is becoming a toddler and wanting to do whatever her big sisters are doing! It has been so much fun to watch her grow this year. We have been through a lot with her, more so in the last 3 months.
Ella, you have been a wonderful addition to this family of crazy kids! You were such a surprise at first and now we can't imagine you not being in our fmaily. You big sisters love to
dote on you, pick you up, help you walk and most of all love to get sloppy wet kisses from you! Mommy and daddy can't wait to see what all the next year brings for you!!

We love you Ella Catherine!! Happy 1st Brithday!!
Happy Birthday Bean! I can't believe you are 1 already...where has the year gone?! Love you!!!
Ella Catherine ~ Happy happy Birthday. There will be no stopping you now. With 2 big sisters to keep up with you'll be running in no time to catch up to them. Have fun. Love you. always and all ways
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