Thursday, August 27, 2009

Duck Derby

We spent last weekend at the Duck Derby at the local waterpark trying to win some prizes; and letting the girls play some games and jump on the inflatables. Once again, Liv would not go near the ducks to have her picture taken, but did enjoy waving to the ducks! Sorry to say, but we did not win any prizes, and left with some candy and some hungry children! We did make the front page of the newspaper on Sunday morning! The girls thought they were pretty neat stuff being in the paper!

The first week of school is about over and the girls have really enjoyed going so far. Addison is going 5 days and has been pretty tired lately. Can't imagine how she will be when she goes full days next year. Hard to believe that next year she will not be home to eat lunch with either!! Liv is going 2 times a week and can not get in the door fast enough!! She LOVES it!!. Both the girls started gymnastics back up tonight. Liv has really been looking forward to going. She was in the class for about 15 minutes and then all of a sudden just started crying and did not want to do "nastics" anymore. Not really sure what happened or exactly what her thought process was; we did finish the class through tears and with mom sitting in the gym with her. She told me on the way home that she is not brave because she was crying!! Breaks my heart!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Thoughts From a Preschool Mommy

Well, now I officially have my 2 big girls in school. Olivia was beyond excited to get to school this morning. She just could not wait and was beaming from ear to ear. She did not hesitate when I left, it was just, "okay bye mom"!! She is growing up to be pretty independent. Addison is going to the pre-kindegarden class and is loving it. We have noticed a little more tiredness lately. It felt kinda weird to be home with just Ella who was napping after we dropped them off. All summer the girls have come with me to exercise on Tuesday and Thursdays. They know we go every time and they look forward to it. Liv was a tad upset when I picked her up and she realized that I had already been to workout. She insists that we are going this afternoon now. Ella was not happy about her sisters not being with her when I dropped her off in the Kids room. Sounds like she was not happy for the majority of the time.

Hard to believe that I now have 2 kids in school. Wonder what it will be like when they are not home for lunch and quiet time with mom in the afternoon. Addison already talks about kindergarden. It is amazing what 2 years difference is like; when I ask Addison what she did at school now, she is very explicit and detailed, 2 years ago, it was a lot of "nothing" and "i don't know". Liv's response today was "music". Even Addison got in on the asking questions to her to find out what she did. I asked her if she met any new friends, and she replied, with her teachers name! It was very cute! And now she is conked out in her bed taking a nap!

I pray they continue to enjoy school this much and always look forward to going!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Olivia's Caterpillar Party

Happy Birthday to Me!!!

Playing with my Play-Doh Ice Cream gift from Addison.

Lots of helpers to help me open presents!

Mommy made me a purple caterpillar cake.

Happy 3rd Birthday Olivia!

Wow, time sure has flown since you were born! You came into this world with such a calm attitude and for the most part you have maintained that. You have grown into such a spunky little girl who has the MOST contagious laugh and giggle. You can always make me smile, even when I am trying so hard not to! You are going to keep me on my toes. You love to play with your sisters, sometimes a bit to hard. You have just recently started to want to sleep with Addison and you love to cheer for Ella. You are a wonderful big sister and a little sister! You will ALWAYS be my middle child, a bond that will connect us for forever. Ask your dad about middle kids some day when you are older. I love you so much and am so proud of all that you have become and am anxious to continue watching your grow and develop into a wonderful person. Happy 3rd Birthday Olivia Grace!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Random Summer Fun

Addison, can I please sleep in your bed?

If I could only get this box open mom would have a mess.

Mom, can we play 'canon ball'?

Leo, listen you got to do it like this...

Madeline, you are NEVER allowed to date boys unless it is daddy.

You think I look like a mermaid Londyn?

Hey guys, uh hello...I want to come out and play also!

Mom, I am so gorgeous!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Kool-Aid Days

We have been trying to spend the last few weeks of summer doing as much as we possibly can, and we are loving every minute of it! This past weekend, we spent all day Saturday in Hastings attending Kool-Aid Days. The girls had a blast jumping in the Bounce House, drinking as much kool-aid as their little bladders would hold, swimming at the water park and enjoying each other. We truly had a great day.

We broke up the afternoon and spent some time at the water park. It is a great kid friendly place and the girls had a great time. Ella enjoyed more of the climbing on the chairs; as she is becoming quite the monkey climbing all over these days! Just realized all my pictures from the waterpark are of Ella!!

Sunday, August 09, 2009

First Birthdays Revisited

Thought you might enjoy seeing the girls on their 1st birthdays! It was fun for me to look back through them!

Ella's Elmo Party

An Elmo Cupcake Cake - easy to make, but takes LOTS of frosting!!!!

Getting Messy
Oh mom, I think I like this cake stuff!
You are going to give me more, right?
Time for a bath!!

Happy 1st Birthday Ella!

Where did the time go? My baby is no longer a baby, she is becoming a toddler and wanting to do whatever her big sisters are doing! It has been so much fun to watch her grow this year. We have been through a lot with her, more so in the last 3 months.

Ella, you have been a wonderful addition to this family of crazy kids! You were such a surprise at first and now we can't imagine you not being in our fmaily. You big sisters love to dote on you, pick you up, help you walk and most of all love to get sloppy wet kisses from you! Mommy and daddy can't wait to see what all the next year brings for you!!

We love you Ella Catherine!! Happy 1st Brithday!!