Addison had Grandparents Day at Preschool this weekend, and part of the festivities was taking the grandparents to the Pumpkin Patch. Depsite the incredibly dreary, wet and cold weather, we went anyway. We sure had a good time though and found our pumpkins. The girls did not want to leave, even when it was raining steadily on them. We took Grammy and headed out to have some fun and enjoy the company of one another. (We missed Mamo and Bampo though who were in Wichita celebrating Sydney's 1st Birthday! Sorry we missed out on that guys!) The girls were not overly cooperative with pictures, but who can blame them when they are 4 and 2. Ella was smiley at times and had fun out there also (she maily slept!).
Addison enjoyed shooting pumpkins, playing in the water with the rubber duckies, and her most prized moment was being able to do the zip line all by herself. She did probably about a hundred times. She was so happy!!
Olivia rode the pony and loved playing on the slide and falling into the barrel of corn. I did not catch any pictures of that. I will have to steal some off Grammy's camera. I was feeding Ella and trying to stay dry and warm. Did I mention it was freezing out there? We thought it was supposed to be nice weather until late afternoon. Not the case. After Ella was done eating, she was wide awake and very alert. I took the oppurtunity to catch some fun facial expressions and catch her being cute!!

We tried numerous times to get some pictures of the girls in the middle of the pumpkins and a family picture. The family picture was not working as Olivia was done with pictures and did not want to sit on the pumpkins because they were wet. Addison just wanted to pose.
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