I am back at work now and going to try and keep the updates more freuqent. Oh by the way, we have digital cable at home, so I can do this from home now!!! My husband rocks!
The month of September went really fast for me and the girls. We had lots of visito
rs to keep us busy and to give me some extra help as I recovered from my c-section. Grammy came and stayed the 1st week, and thank goodness she was here because Olivia had the flu for 7 days. It was awful. Thankfully no one else got sick. After that Jenny and Leo flew in fromIdaho for 2 weeks. The girls had so much fun playing with Leo and taking walks. I think Leo got in touch with his feminine side, much to his father's dismay. He enjoyed walking around with princess umbrellas, playing barbies with Addison and playing with the girls princess castle. Jenny and I even got enough time to make Hallooween t-shirts for the kids.
The kids got lots of time at the park, playing and being loud. The decible level with two 2 year olds was loud. We also got a chance to celebrate Leo's 2nd birthday while he was here.
Addison and Olivia have been great helps for mommy. They both love to hold Ella and constantly want to know where she is, what she is doing and if they can give her a kiss. I am not brave enough to take a shower with the girls alone with Ella, but they have been great. Olivia has recently started wanting to try and pick her up. We came in from a walk one evening, and Ella had been siting in her carseat, not buckled, just sitting in there with blankets from the walk.
I ran to the bathroom real quick. As I walked out, Ella started crying and I saw Olivia run away from her carseat. I better check out what happened while I was away. Ella was halfway down her carseat...Olivia was trying to pull her out of the carseat. I need to
be sure I have my watchful eyes on all the time. Addison has taken a real liking to helping with her bottles. I have even got some helpers for "tummy time" with Ella.
Check back soon for some more pictures of the parade we went to and the Pumpkin Patch!
Dude, welcome to the cable-world! That's great. Love teh pumpkin patch pic, what fun, and it looks like it wasn't too cold. Leo is going as Eeyore for Halloween, a nice warm costume!
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