Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas Music Program

Being in Kindergarten means lots of new and exciting things and for this particular little girl, it meant getting all dressed up with mommy's make-up and curling her hair for her 1st Music Concert at the high school!! The kindergarten class was so big that they had to make a separate concert for them and the 1st graders!

Check out my peanut!! In case you can't see her, just look for that big red bow!

And of course, not just one Chapman girl can get dressed up, they all must!!!


Cassie and Lou said...

How cute. I'm sure she's just loving being in school. All the new and fun things she's getting to do. Thanks for sharing!

ccarring said...

Sunshine seems so happy and excited about her musical and so sweet her sisters wanted to be supportive and dress up too ;-)