Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Lesson in Patience

In case anyone is actually reading this and cares...we are surviving here. I am learning a lot about myself this week. I have learned that I absolutly HATE waking up in the middle of the night a hundred times. Actually, I really even hate waking up more than once. I need my sleep and need sleep to feel like I can function like a normal mommy! Ella has been sleeping terrible. She is teething, and I am sure she senses my tension during the middle of the night. I have also learned more about being a patient mom. I also know about myself that I am sometimes quick to snap in the evening when I am tired, or the girls have exhausted every last nerve I have. I am learning/trying to stay calm, and let the dozen potty trips roll off my back. There are so many things that the girls do that just aren't worth getting upset over or making a fuss about. The girls have had to take on a few more responsibilites for themselves and I know that for them it has been a challenge as well. Addison has really stepped up and is trying to be a big helper. I am trying to constantly let her know how proud I am of her, and how much she is helping me.

The middle of the night has been the toughest so far since Tony has been gone. I know lots of people whose spouses travel for extended periods of time, but when it is the 1st time it has ever happened to you and your family; you sort of have no idea how you are going to handle things. So, I am coping...treading lightly with the girls and praying each and every day for more strength, both physically and emotionally and really praying for more patience. I know God will only give me what He knows I can handle, I just wish he didn't trust me with so much!!

The girls are doing okay with Tony being gone. They ask me EVERY day when he will be home and they talk to him at least twice during the day. Olivia is probably the one who is struggling the most. She just does not understand why he isn't here when she goes to bed and still isn't home when she wakes up in the morning. She asks about him a lot; wants to know what he is doing, why he is doing it, when he is coming home and then reasks all the same questions over and over again!

Tony, we love you and miss you lots! I hope and pray that you are learning a lot and are ready for this new adventure when he get home. I also hope you are ready for me to check myself into a hotel for some R&R!!! I will post some pictures tomorrow!


Jenny and Kevin said...

Thinking of you and I know you can do it! Letting things roll off your back is easier said than done especially when you're tired, but each day you get to try again! Leo can not WAIT to see the girls, talks about them a lot. In fact, today we were makign a grocery list together and he wanted me to pick up Addison, Olivia, and Ella, too. Tyring to explain that people aren't sold at stores wasn't even worth it, and he insisted I write down their names on my list! you...

Claire said...

Sounds like you had a fun time with the family in town...hope things will settle down and get back to your new normal now that T is back at home!

ccarring said...

Kerry, as it turns out you did an amazing job. Not that you want to do this very often, but at least you have confidence in yourself knowing that if you have to, you CAN do it :-) you underestimate your ability, have faith and trust in HIM.
always and all ways