The Lutheran high school that is affliated with Addison's preschool had a Cheer Camp about 3 weeks ago and Addison got to participate. Hard to believe my girl is already big enough to start participating in these kinds of things. She was so excited about cheer camp and talked about with everyone she saw the week leading up to practice. We even got a note home in her notebook from school about how excited she was for it! They had "practice" for 2 hours on a Saturday afternoon, and then the game was on the following Tuesday. I show up on Saturday with my camera, video camera and one very prud mommy, only to find that there are NO parents there. I do not want to humilate Addison, so I only stay for a little while, take a few pictures and leave.

Tuesday night, she was VERY excited for the game and did a great job. During the game, she noticed that Olivia was eating popcorn and thought she needed some also. After one of the cheers, she is trying to get my attention to tell me she wants popcorn, and the older girl is trying to pull her off the basketball court...it was quite comical!

Olivia had a good time hanging out with Mamo and Bampo, and going potty a dozen times!! Sometimes I don't think there can be any more pee left in her, but she always goes!! Liv didn't really like the noise or the buzzer all that much! Ella was just as happy as a clam!
Oh those girls keep me in stiches laughing! Got to love them. Thanks for sharing the pictures Kerry. Addison's hair looks like it is getting really long! Wish I could have been there to see the whole thing in person! Love you all
I wish I could have been there too. These are the kind of things I'm going to miss with all the Welsh and Chapman grandchildren
;-(. Please continue sharing with pictures, videos, phone calls, etc..... Even though I'm not there I do love you for always and all ways.
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