January - We started 2008 with a trip to Omaha to see Elmo Live at the Qwest Center. Mom was already starting to feel quesy - there was a little someone growing and making their home in mom's belly!
February - Cassie found the "perfect" dress for her flower girls for hers and Lou's wedding. Addison was really proud to hold the honor of flower girl. Took a trip to Wichita to celebrate Londyn's 2nd birthday and Sydney's dedication.
March - Started with Easter Egg hunts, Bampo's birthday, a trip to the Shrine Circus and Easter of course, man it was early and cold!!

April - Took the girls to see The Wiggles, Kevin, Jenny and Leo came to Nebraska for Cassie and Lou's wedding..it was freezing, snowing, but beautiful and warm inside!

May - Addison finished another year of gymnastics at the annual "Time to Shine" performance for family and friends. She "graduated" from her 1st year of preschool. We celebrated Mother's Day (in bed, mommy was sick)

June - We finally started playing outside, took trip to see Kevin, Jenny and Leo in Idaho. Yes, we drove, all of us and grammy took the 16 hour trip!

July - We tried to spend as much time swimming and at the Water Park as possible. We started preparing the house for the new arrival. Olivia moved to a "big girl" bed and got her 1st haircut!
August - Ella Catherine was born August 7th. She weighed in as the smallest Chapman girl 7lbs. 6 oz. She was born via c-section because she was breech. Tony and I were still "discussing" boys names right up to the doctor saying, "it's a another girl"!!!!!! Olivia turned 2, and Addison started her 2nd year of preschool.
September - Addison turned 4 and we spent lots of time adjusting to our new "normal". Jenny and Leo came for 2 weeks, and Kevin got to come and visit for 1 week!

Ocotber - Mommy went back to work part-time, and we got ready for Halloween! Addison was a clown and Olivia was a Barbie cheerleader!
November - We spent time in York for Thanksgiving and also had Christmas with Tony's family. The girls had lots of fun playing with their cousins from Wichita.
December - I took Addison and Olivia to Disney on Ice; Christmas, Santa, and lots of messes!
This took me way to long to post, so if you read this and got this far, at least make a comment!!
Bravo, well done! It's neat to see how the kids have changed over the year.
I really enjoy looking at your blog...you are so good at keeping it updated. It is great to see your family so happy!
I loved the year in review. Okay do have one question...what's with Addison's smile at Disney on ice? She looks like she'd been crying!?
Thanks for sharing!
I too love the year in review and have the same question As Cassandra, why is my little Sunshine crying?
Glad you all keep your blogs update, I do enjoy them
Cute kiddos!! Reading you chase after 3 little ones makes me tired and I only have 1 little one!!
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