Sunday, January 25, 2009
Open Wide
Posted by Kerry at 1:13 PM 3 comments
An Usually Nice Day
Posted by Kerry at 1:00 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Happy New Year
Olivia got some new "diamonds" for Christmas. For those of you who don't know what her diamonds are, shame on you...her diamonds are sometimes rocks (yes, the ones from outside), but are usually colored rocks that you use to decorate inside vases or use for something classy. Not Olivia, these are her diamonds, and don't you dare lose them, take them from her or in case of her mother, not go back to Hy-Vee to find them! She left them, wasn't listening and didn't tell me she didn't have them until I had all 3 girls buckled in their carseats and was buckling myself. I told her I wasn't going back in to get them! Sh
Posted by Kerry at 6:24 PM 2 comments
Compare these all you smarty pants....
would give it away, like certain blankets or other people.
Posted by Kerry at 6:10 PM 6 comments
Saturday, January 03, 2009
As we start a new year, I always start the year with some great resolutions. This year, I hope to stick to ALL of them...#1 being, try not to be pregnant this year!! Ha ha - seriously though, I have been pregnant during some time of every year since 2003!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, it got me to thinking about how much our lives have changed since the girls and how awesome each and everyone of them is. I started looking back through some old pictures and wanted to share baby pictures of all the girls at almost 5 months of age...that is how old Ella is now. See if you can figure out who is who....
Posted by Kerry at 12:31 PM 6 comments
Thursday, January 01, 2009
A Pictoral Review of 2008
January - We started 2008 with a trip to Omaha to see Elmo Live at the Qwest Center. Mom was already starting to feel quesy - there was a little someone growing and making their home in mom's belly!
Posted by Kerry at 1:08 PM 5 comments