We have been super busy the last few weeks, trying to get lots done before we are home bound with a new baby (who hopefully will be here in less than 2 weeks). We have tried to get the girls outside to play, to visit friends, to the Omaha Childrens Museum, get Olivia her first haircut, and finally to sleep in the same room. We have been successful with most of them. I will let you guess where we are struggling.
Nah, I will just jump right in and tell you...sleeping in the same room. Man, whoever said this would be fun...you have no idea what the definition of fun really is. In my opinion and I think Tony would agree with me, this adventure has been less than fun or amusing. It has been a downright struggle for all involved and we are sleepy at our house. It all started about a week ago, I decided we just needed to go for it, the baby would be here soon and if it didn't work right away we still had time to adjust. The girls were super excited to share a room, share a bed and sleep together. The 1st night, Olivia came out of the room a few times, but eventually fell asleep
in Addison's bed (their NEW bed together). Addison went to bed shortly afer Olivia was asleep. Addison proceeded to think she needed to read in her bed to her dolls, to Bob, and to Olivia. Yes, she woke Olivia up. They played for a little, Addison brought Olivia out to the living room, claiming, "Liv said she needed a hug and kiss from mommy". Pretty sure Olivia did not put that sentence together. They went back to bed. Played some more. Addison finally fell asleep, Olivia still awake is playing with the dolls, the blankets and Addison's head. Addison wakes up...it is now 11pm. We are ALL still awake. Enough is enough...Liv goes back to the crib. I am sure if you are reading this and you have been through it, you are chuckling...let me remind you...we have found NO humor in any of this!!!!!!!!!!!!! The next night, crying and coming out of the room for quite some time. Olivia finally falls asleep in the bed. Addison's turn to go to bed...oh no, she has other plans. She crys, big tears and loudly that she does NOT want Olivia sleeping in her bed. She wakes her up and it wasn't fun. We try anything we can think of to get her to go to bed, we bribe her with toys, we bribe her with books, we bribe her with anything...it is not going anywhere. We finally in desperation blow up the inflatable sleeping bag and she sleeps on the floor. Olivia wakes up numerous times throughout the night and wonders into the hall, stopping at our door to let us know she is up. Back to the crib she goes. I know you are thinking...why do you keep putting her back in the crib. Simple...I am 9 months pregnant and can't take the sleepless nights. The next solution is to do some research on the internet about siblings sharing rooms, sharing beds, ect. We break down and buy a toddler bed and a new crib mattress. Olivia will get her very OWN big girl bed. She doesn't have to share it with Addison. Tony goes to get it, and gets set right to work putting it together. Finally at 9:15pm, the girls go to bed, Tony is done, and the girls are exhausted. They went to bed great, we start to think..."wow, that was
easy". Only to find the pitter patter of tiny little feet up ALL night long. We know we need to stop putting her back in the crib becasue we are not teaching her to sleep in her bed, but this momma needs her sleep. So Tuesday (the 22nd) night was the LAST night she slept in her crib. We are beyond tired, the girls are tired, more so Olivia because she thinks it is a game to see how many times she can be put back into her bed before finally falling asleep, and waking in the middle of the night and coming into our room must be fun! I think NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So there you have it, our saga of sharing a room. We are still working on it, Olivia occassionally wakes Addison up, Addison occasionally wakes Liv up, and Olivia always seems to want to wake up in the middle of te night for NO apparent reason. We can usually guarantee that she will be awake during one of those times for at least an hour. She is up other times during the night, but stays in her room after she is put back to bed. Tony has gone to sleep in their room twice in the middle of the night so we can all try to get some sleep.
Okay, want to hear what we have done that has been fun?!! We have been trying to get the girls out of the house to play as much as possible. A few weekends ago we spent time in Omaha and took the girls to Fun Plex with Grammy and Bubba. Tony and Lou went golfing and the girls went swimming and riding rides. We spent almost 5 1/2 hours there...the girls did gret and crashed the minute they were in the car. Addison got brave enough to go down the big slide with Bubba, not once but twice. She will of course NEVER do it again. The first ride was lots of fun, the 2nd ride, to fast, and Addison hit her head on the sides of the wall a few too many times and came off crying.
Fun Plex also has rides that the girls enjoyed riding on. All in all that was a great time and nobody got badly sunburned for how long we were out there. We also managed to sneak in some play time at the Childrens Museum in Omaha while I was there for a doctor's appointment. The girls always enjoying going there, and it is hard for them to leave.
Love the hair cut, livi! Sounds like a crazy household there. We'll keep the sleeping in our prayers.
Olivia is soooo cute! And so grown-up with the new haircut!
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