I have got to be the luckiest mom in the world! I have 2 amazing daughters with amazing spirits and love for one another. I could not of thought of a better way to spend Mother's Day this year. There was a time in my life that I was not even sure I would ever become a mom. In the spring of 2001, my faith was at a sinking low after my surgery. With only a 20% chance of ever becoming pregnant on my own; I was fairly certain having my own children was out of the question. If by some act of God, I was able to concieve, each pregnancy afterwards, the chance went down.
By the spring of 2003, we were ready to at least give it a try, we had nothing to lose and everything to gain, including a restored faith in God, and a new realization of miracles. The doctor had told us, we had 6 months to try and then I had to go back on the medicine to stop the endo from growing. After countless months of ovulation sticks, tears, more sticks, lots and los of tears, we went to the doctor. 6 months came and went, and we were not pregnant. Again, losing faith. We made an appointment with the doctor, and he said, try for 2 more months, be diligant (did he really think we weren't?) and come back in January. Imagine the surprise in his face when we came back in January, PREGNANT!!!! Imagine our surprise. Our faith was restore, we believed in miracles, but was cautiously optomistic. 9 long months later came Addison Claire.
Addison, thank you for making me a mommy, and allwoing me to put my trust back into God
that He is indeed our Creator and miracles can and do happen. You have been such a blessing in my life and always keep me on my toes. I have so many dreams for you, fears for you and love for you. I love snuggling with you in the morning and before you go read your books at night. I love the way you always tell me you love me, and I even love your spunkiness. I love watching your spirit and the love you have for Jesus. Your questions amaze me, as does your maturity! I am anxious to see what the future holds for you, just promise me you won't grow up too fast!!
Back to trying for another, our faith got us through this one. We did it once, we can certainly do it again. Lots of tears again, but a continued sense of belief that He would provide for us. Almost exactly 2 years later came Olivia Grace.
And now, another on the way...who would have ver thought this would be possible? Definatly not Tony and I. We believe in miracles, we kiss them each morning and each night. We say prayers with them, soothe their fears, kiss their boo-boos and love on them every single day. Thank you Addison and Olivia for making me a mommy, and encouraging me to be the best mommy that I can be.
Thank you Tony for always loving me! Thank you for continuing along this journey with me; there is no one I would rather want with me! I love you with all my heart and soul!
I would have never had the chance to be a mommy if it were not for my own mommy. So thank you mom! Thank you for loving me, molding me and showing me how a mom treats her children, and how a mom loves God before herself and her children. I am a better mom because of you and the examples you have shown me. I love you!
You are such an awesome mom, Kerry, glad you have 2 1/2 little miracles to bless your world!
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