Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Future American Idol Winners

We were having a little too much fun last night during dinner, annoying daddy with our singing into the pretend microphone...a lipstick tube!!


Jenny and Kevin said...

SUPER CUTE! I can not BELIEVE how big the girls are getting, and Addison is becoming quite the singer! Definitely not a shy one....

Can't wait to see ya'll!

Anonymous said...

Go GIRLS!!! The more involved you get in music the better rounded academically you will be (not that you much care about that right now!). And you'll be able to grasp math much better if you're involved in music. Besides you have a beautiful voice. I love the singing Sunshine and Bright Eyes :-)
Love you both

Eric Allgood said...

I don't know grammy, I was in music all the time, and math is far from my strong point... ;)

So, where's the video of Tony joing the girls in a rendition of "Barbie girl?" maybe he's saving it for the Allman Cup!

The Chapmans said...

Funny stuff!

Kerry, I keep trying to post a video but it won't work. Help!
