Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Addison Meets the Wall

The 1st of probably many trips to the doctors for stiches occured yesterday!! We ended up with no stitches, but a pretty big goose egg and some steri strips to keep the cut closed. Addison and her friend Schuyler from daycare love to play and laugh and giggle all day long. Well, they also love to chase one another, and on this particular day, Addison was not watching where she was running and smacked into the corner of the wall!


Cassie and Lou said...

Oh Squirt! What have you done?! Why did you want to introduce yourself to a wall like that? I wish I could be there to give you a hug. Soon...very soon. I'll be back in Omaha in just 8 days! I love you so much and can't wait to see you. I hope your head doesn't hurt too much! Also, please give your mommmy and Livi a hug and kiss for me and say hi to everyone! I love you all!

Love from Sweden!
Cassie / Bubba

Unknown said...

Yikes! I guess we all have those scars from being a kid. Hopefully this will not be the first of many, just the first of a few. Or maybe Olivia will learn to be more careful just by watching Addison. Glad she's ok, she has a hard head like someone else in the family! :)

Anonymous said...

Sunshine, oh my goodness. I hope you don't have a nasty headache too. I will see you soon and give you a big hug and a kiss.

Eric Allgood said...

Hye kiddo, you almost matched my scar above my eye from basketball! Heads up next time!

Anonymous said...

Good words.