Addison found her "princess dress" in her closet and wore it all day last week when we were home playing. She wanted to wear it for her nap, for bed, and everything in between. Thanks to her cousins Sydney and Riley in Florida for the dress!!
We FINALLY got to meet Leo! This is Kevin and Jenny's adopted son, and we love him so much!! They think traveling is quite a bit tougher these days. We had fun playing with Leo and watching the girls with him. Addison hasn't stopped talking about him since we got home.
These next pictures are all from Baptism. Fr. Mark McKercher came to Omaha to Baptize the kids. He is the priest who married all of us and also confirmed Jenny and Tony when they went through RCIA. He is our "family" priest. We had a great celebration and was so happy that our families were there with us.
Thanks for stopping by the blog. WE are trying to update it much more often. Though sometimes it gets busy. Next up will be some Valentine Day pictures.
We had a wonderful time together. It was awesome for all of us to be together and to have Jenny's dad helping with the Baptism. Wish we all lived closer together and the cousins could get to know each other. Wouldn't it be so fun to watch and play with them too; especially after seeing how well Addison did with both Olivia and Leo. Olivia and Leo seemed very intrigued with each other :-) And soon Madeline will join our family too :-)
Love you all ~ Grammy xo
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