**Just so you know - I wrote this in June. I had good intentions! The pictures loading won't working and well, now time has slipped away!
Has it seriously been a month since I last posted, man time just seems to get away from me. We have been super busy. We just got home from a trip west to Colorado. However, a blog on that will have to wait. Here is the latest from Pocatello!!
Grammy and the girls and I loaded the van and headed west to visit Kevin, Jenny and the kids. We had a great time. We really did not do a whole lot, but had fun playing together, laughing, putting on shows and dreaming of the next time we can be together. The kids played amazing well together. It was fun to see how much Madeline had grown since we saw her last. She is talking now, her hair is growing (enough for some ponies and barrettes), she is potty trained, but she is small in comparison to Ella, my is Ella a big girl next to her older cousin!!!! And Leo, well Leo is ALL boy. Which I know nothing about. He loves playing in the dirt, playing with bugs, feeding and tending to his pet salamander, Jumbo and playing as hard and loud as he can. There is a ditch next to their house that he LOVES to play with the oldre boys in. I think these older boys tell "stories" to Leo. They told him that if a bug (can't remember what it was) bite him he would be poisned and have to go to the hospital. Well, great Aunt Kerry put on her thinking cap and got just as creative as theose boys. Leo was convinced he was poisened and needed to see a doctor. I told him I was really a doctor and had special poison medicine that would make him all better. I went and got a dropper, filled it with "medicine" (water down diet coke) and he drank it up and felt much better!!! Good thing I was there to make him all better!!!!!