One of our local high schools musical was this weekend. Beauty and the Beast. The girls really enjoyed it and got over their fears of the Beast rather quickly.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Beauty and the Beast
Posted by Kerry at 7:30 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Roller Skating Party

Posted by Kerry at 6:16 PM 1 comments
Friday, March 12, 2010
Growing Up....
She is growing up right before my eyes. Got the call today for Kindergarten registration and orientation! Am I ready for this? Is she ready for this? We are...bring it!!!!
Posted by Kerry at 6:27 PM 1 comments
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Sunshine Yesterday, Rain Today and Snow Tomorrow
We have spent the last 4 days in a cloud of dreariness, cold, rain and today snowflakes. We are supposed to get 2-4 inches. You gotta be kinding me! This is crazy. The girls are so anxious for the nice weather. I think I get asked weekly if it is summertime yet and if they can wear flip flops yet. Yes, we have a bit of cabin fever. We had a few nice minutes one afternoon and therefore spent the ENTIRE afternoon outside. Trying not to get to muddy, and just enjoying the fresh air and sunshine.
Posted by Kerry at 6:03 PM 1 comments
Monday, March 08, 2010
Do you ever feel vulnerable? The conference that I went to in Atlanta I found this quote and I really liked it:
Posted by Kerry at 12:01 PM 1 comments
Saturday, March 06, 2010
A True Mommy's Helper
I have recently acquired a great helper with so many things. I am trying VERY hard to make sure she knows just how much I appreciate her help, and how proud I am of her. It actually makes me proud and sad all at the same time. It means my baby is growing up. She assures me she will never get married, and will always live at home with me; I hope she still feels like that when she is 15!!! I can't believe how much she has matured and grown up in the last 6 months. The things she does to help out; the things she does out of the kindness of her heart; and the things she does simply because amaze me. Take for example tonight at dinner; Liv waned the Tinkerbell spoon that I had already given to Addison. Liv through a huge fit; crying screaming, and whining. Addison so politely just switches spoons with her. I try to explain that she does not have to do that. Liv can have the Tinkerbell spoon next time. Addison can keep it. "It's okay mom, she can have it...I a okay with that"...Addison, I love you so much and you amaze me each day!
Posted by Kerry at 6:43 PM 3 comments
Friday, March 05, 2010
Harder Than I Thought
So finding the time to blog EVERYDAY has proved to be more of a task than I anticipated. I would say that I am doing pretty darn good though! You can comment and let me know what my grade is so far!!!

Check out the video of Olivia trying to get some attention around here:
Posted by Kerry at 6:38 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Bring on the nice weather....
Life continues to be anything but slow for us!! Sometimes I feel like we are constantly on the go; running here or there; with barely time to sit down and spend time with just the girls. Well this weekend, the weather is supposed to beautiful. We plan to take FULL advantage of it and get outside, clean out the girls, play in the backyard and head to the park! I can't wait. The girls got invited to a roller skating birthday party on Saturday morning. We will probably let them go; should be quite comical I am sure! Ella will get to stay home and probably hid in her new spot! She has been so much fun lately...the words she is saying, the things she is doing, the way she bluntly tells me "no" when I ask if she slept good...I can't wait for you to all see her. Although I am not sure who "you all" since I am not quite sure exactly who all is reaing this outside of immediate family! But regardless, she is at such a funny stage; I could do without the waking at 5am every stinking morning. She is defiantly taking after Addison is so many things!!!
Posted by Kerry at 6:35 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
Happy Birthday
Whose birthday is it you might be asking...well Dr. Seuss' of course! And we were in full Dr. Seuss mode this morning singing happy birthday!
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss
The Grinch; aka Addison
Posted by Kerry at 6:28 PM 2 comments
Monday, March 01, 2010
An Overdue Return
I warned you I would not have my computer with me! But now I am home...
A trip down south was supposed to mean warmth and sunshine. There was hardly any warmth!! Glad I took my winter coat. The adventure to Atlanta was great. The conference was excellent and the company great. I think the girls and Tony survived. Had to call in back-up for Liv's full head of thick hair!!!
Just so you can all know that I could survive in the "big" city. We rode the MARTA (a railway tram) from the airport to some street that was supposed to be close to the hotel. What hotels in 2010 don't have shuttles? Well apparently we found the one! So we get off this railway and what do you know. It is about 40 MPH winds, 25 degrees and get this, yes it is MIDNIGHT!!! And we have to walk about 4-5 LONG blocks to the hotel!! I think outside of the time I spent in San Fransisco I haven't seen so many homeless people in a long time. My feelings are always mixed for them. Anyway, the walk at midnight was just that; long, cold and sort of a run!
It was definatly nice to be home; although I was exhausted. We were up at 3:30am eastern time to cathc our flight home. I think I was in bed by 7:55pm Saturday night, took 2 naps on Sunday and barely made it today!! So now, we are home, I have snapping pictures and have all sort of goofy ones to share with you! I am hoping to get a GREAT one tomorrow of Addison!!! I can't tell you why...will ruin the surprise! Check back in about 24 hours!
I got to finish going through the girls backpacks and find thier March calendars. As Olivia told me earlier tonight her calendar was missing and I needed to find it so I would know what was going on at school. And according to Liv; "my calendar isn't on the frigerlator mom"....
Posted by Kerry at 6:50 PM 1 comments